Contribute in making the world a better place
Since 2015 we have helped 80 families, distributed milk and clothes to over 150 children, bought animals to encourage self-sustainment, we have built 30 new homes for families who lived in huts or wooden shacks, provided scholarships to 30 young students, built a playground for the children and funded 2 surgeries.
Only if we feel the urgency, we can fight poverty
Throughout the world, there are still many people living in extreme poverty, without any access to medical care and adequate food and without those basic needs which are normal for millions of people, like tap water.
Besides, there are still too many regions with no hospitals or schools and where war has caused so much damage that many people today are still suffering physically and mentally.
Be selfish, help make the world a better place.
If I help a child to get a better life, I help every human being.

It is thanks to your help that we can continue to take care, every day, of those who live in extreme difficult conditions

The children of Hoa Bac


Soc Trang
They need your help
Since 2015 we have helped 80 families, distributed milk and clothes to over 150 children, bought animals to encourage self-sustainment, we have built 30 new homes for families who lived in huts or wooden shacks, provided scholarships to 30 young students, built a playground for the children and funded 2 surgeries.